Lessons learnt on the long road towards an all-trained profession: Fifty years of in-service training for non-graduate teachers in Hong Kong

Kwok Chan LAI

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


The In-service Courses of Training for Teachers (ICTT) in Hong Kong played a key hole in meeting the minimum training needs of thousands of unqualified non-graduate teachers during the expansion of mass education from the 1950s to 1970s. Though these remedial courses have all along been perceived by the community as of dubious quality, they have lasted for five decades, as untrained teachers continued to join the teaching force, in the absence of a government policy requiring new teachers to be pre-service trained. It is not until recently that their phasing out has become a possibility. This paper provides a critical review of education policies which have allowed the prolongation of these courses for half a century. It illustrates the long and difficult process by which Hong Kong has been moving towards an “all trained” teaching profession.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2002
EventLearning from the Past, Informing the Future: Education Then, Now and Tomorrow - Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Duration: 13 May 200214 May 2002


ConferenceLearning from the Past, Informing the Future: Education Then, Now and Tomorrow
Country/TerritoryHong Kong


Lai, K. C. (2002, May). Lessons learnt on the long road towards an all-trained profession: Fifty years of in-service training for non-graduate teachers in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Symposium supported by the Council of the Lord Wilson Heritage Trust: Learning from the Past, Informing the Future: Education Then, Now and Tomorrow, Hong Kong Baptist University, China.


  • Teacher Education
  • Teacher Education and Professional Development


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