Learning study as an approach to teacher development in two primary schools

Yuen Mei Ina SIU

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


Learning study involves collaborative lesson planning of teachers of the same grade level on a double lesson and this has been reported as an effective means for fostering teacher development (Lewis et al, 2004, Lewis, 2002). The writer has been involved in two learning study projects in 2002-03 and 2004-05. This paper reports on the experience of conducting notes, discussion records, lesson plans and observation of the research lessons, this paper compares the process of teacher development through learning study in the two different schools and reports the researcher’s evolved understanding of learning study and teacher development through the process of being a participant observer in the projects. It is found that though learning study was conducted by the same researcher in the two different schools, teacher development varies because of the different backgrounds and group dynamics of the teachers and the maturing understanding of the researcher on the process of learning study. The benefits and constraints of learning study in facilitating teacher development will be discussed in relation to the factors highlighted above. The paper will shed light on how learning study can be used to facilitate in-service teacher development especially in teaching English to young second language learners.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2005
EventFaculty of Education of CUHK 40th Anniversary International Conference: Developing Teacher Leadership and Education Partnership in the Face of Education Reform - The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Duration: 02 Dec 200503 Dec 2005


ConferenceFaculty of Education of CUHK 40th Anniversary International Conference: Developing Teacher Leadership and Education Partnership in the Face of Education Reform
CityHong Kong


Siu, Y.-M. I. (2005, December). Learning study as an approach to teacher development in two primary schools. Paper presented at Faculty of Education of CUHK 40th Anniversary International Conference: Developing Teacher Leadership and Education Partnership in the Face of Education Reform, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China.


  • Teacher development approaches
  • Primary teacher education
  • Learning study


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