Learning how to learn with technology: Preparing students for a changing world using innovative pedagogies

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


Technology can be an empowering tool in education that enables students with a variety of learning styles to succeed in their studies. The swift integration of technology in teaching and learning in the past two years has undoubtedly changed the way we educate young people.

Irrespective of its efficacy, as educators we must now reflect on the implications of these changes in the learning process. This entails examining the affordances and constraints of technology as a means to engage students in the learning process through promoting active collaborative learning, incorporating differentiated instruction, teaching complex critical thinking, and developing problem-solving skills.

This talk focuses on the lesson learned from the transition to emergency remote teaching, which practices are worth keeping, and which should be abandoned in an effort to move from emergency to sustainability. It is hoped that this talk will stimulate educators to consider how technology can prepare our students for a rapidly changing world.


不管這些新教學模式的成效如何,作為教育工作者,我們必須反思這些新的教學方法如何影響學習過程。如要達到有效的反思效果,我們可以通過檢視這些新的教學法是否能夠促進學生積極協作、結合學生學習差異、發展學生批判性思考和培養解決問題的能力, 來決定它們的成效。

是次講座的重點在於檢視過去兩年所運用過的科技資訊教法,有哪些做法是值得保留,哪些應該放棄,令這些原本仍然在發展中的教學法,變得帶有可持續發展性。透過是次講座,我們希望激發教育工作者思考如何引導學生適應高度變化的世界。 Copyright © 2021 Learning and Teaching Expo.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2021
EventLearning & Teaching Expo 2021 = 學與教博覽 2021 - , Hong Kong
Duration: 08 Dec 202110 Dec 2021


ConferenceLearning & Teaching Expo 2021 = 學與教博覽 2021
Country/TerritoryHong Kong


Kohnke, L. (2021, December). Learning how to learn with technology: Preparing students for a changing world using innovative pedagogies. Paper presented at Learning & Teaching Expo 2021, Hong Kong, China.


  • Alt. title: 學習如何運用資訊科技學習:運用創新教學法讓學生在不斷變化的世界中做好準備


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