Leadership for (Re)shaping multicultural education in high-needs schools: Social justice leaders in a Chinese context

Yan Ni Annie CHENG, Sing Ying Elson SZETO

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


Enacting social justice is an imperative issue concerning educators around the world. Like many countries, Hong Kong schools serve a diverse mix of students and many face the challenges of complex socio-cultural changes such as low birth rate and a hybrid of Western and Confucian cultures. This study aims to examine three Hong Kong principals’ perception of social justice and how they enacted social justice by (re)shaping multicultural education in high-needs schools


ConferenceThe 29th Annual University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) Convention: “Re-Imagining the Frontiers of Education: Leadership With/In Transnational & Transcultural Spaces”
Abbreviated titleUCEA 2015
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CitySan Diego
Internet address


Cheng, A., & Szeto, E. (2015, November). Leadership for (Re)shaping multicultural education in high-needs schools: Social justice leaders in a Chinese context. Paper presented at the 2015 University Council of Educational Administration Convention: Re-Imagining the frontiers of education: Leadership with/in transnational & transcultural spaces, Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, California.


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