Leadership for 21st century schools: From instructional leadership to leadership for learning


Research output: Book/ReportBooks


A legacy of the effective schools movement has been the institutionalization of the term "instructional leadership" into the vocabulary of educational leadership and management. Instructional leadership came to prominence as a paradigm for school leadership and management in the 1980s in the USA before being eclipsed by transformational leadership in the 1990s. Instructional leadership has recently reincarnated as a global phenomenon in the form of “leadership for learning”. In this lecture, I will identify the defining characteristics of instructional leadership, elaborate on the predominant model in use, report on empirical evidence about its effects on teaching and learning, and reflect on the transformation of instructional leadership in its reincarnated form of “leadership for learning”. Copyright © 2009 The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationHong Kong
PublisherThe Hong Kong Institute of Education
Publication statusPublished - 2009


Hallinger, P. (2009). Leadership for 21st century schools: From instructional leadership to leadership for learning. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Education.


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