Knowledge building in secondary business studies project learning through scaffolding in online learning community: An exploratory study

Yew Gee Christopher TAN, Kit Yin Tricia LIU, Lai Yin KWOK

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


This exploratory study describes how 2 classes of secondary 6 commerce students in Hong Kong have used a web-based collaborative tool, Knowledge Community (KC) to build a project called “Writing up a Business Plan” collaboratively. Using a number of 2-level scaffolds, students participated in the forum discussion to build business plan. The entire process unfolds how students, facilitated by scaffolds and teachers, brainstorm business idea and mission, decide on the type of product, plan production line and eventually formulate a business plan. The sample consisted of 41 students and 2 facilitators. Students’ participation in KC was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The strategies, suggestions and the feasibility of adopting KC for projects in schools will also be shared, along with the implications and key learning points of this project. Copyright © 2004 全球華人計算機教育應用學會.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication《第八屆全球華⼈計算機教育應用大會:GCCCE 2004 論文集》
Editors 李芳樂, 張國恩, 黃榮懷
Place of Publication香港
ISBN (Print)9889778726
Publication statusPublished - May 2004


Tan, C. Y. G., Liu, T. K. Y., & Kwok, P. L. Y. (2004):Knowledge building in secondary business studies project learning through scaffolding in online learning community: An exploratory study,輯於李芳樂、張國恩和黃榮懷主編《第八屆全球華⼈計算機教育應用大會:GCCCE 2004 論文集》,(頁186-193),香港,全球華人計算機教育應用學會–香港分會。


  • Project learning
  • Learning community
  • Scaffolding
  • Social–constructivism
  • Facilitation


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