Issues in teaching and learning for older adults in Hong Kong and Australia

Gillian M. BOULTON-LEWIS, Siu Ling Maureen TAM

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

9 Citations (Scopus)


There has not been ample recent research on teaching older adults. However, as described below, there is mounting research in how and why older adults want to learn. This brief discussion is derived from work undertaken for a workshop in Hong Kong on issues in teaching older adults. It combines recent research on learning and teaching in higher education as it applies to older adults. The paper addresses: learning and ageing, learning choices, an information processing view of learning, deep and surface learning, teaching and learning approaches, formal, non-formal and informal learning, teaching roles, evaluation, and technology. Some sections are exemplified with information from teaching older adults in Australia and Hong Kong. Copyright © 2018 Taylor & Francis.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)639-647
JournalEducational Gerontology
Issue number10
Early online dateSept 2018
Publication statusPublished - 2018


Boulton-Lewis, G. M., & Tam, M. (2018). Issues in teaching and learning for older adults in Hong Kong and Australia. Educational Gerontology, 44(10), 639-647. doi: 10.1080/03601277.2018.1521902


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