Invariant factors of cartesian product of graphs and one point unions of graphs

Wai Chee SHIU, Mei Choi CHIU

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A matrix called Varchenko matrix associate with a hyperplane arrangement was defined by Varchenko in 1991. Matrices that we shall call q-matrices are induced from Varchenko matrices. Many researchers are interested the invariant factors of these q-matrices. Shiu put this problem to the graph model. In this paper, invariant factors of Cartesian product of graphs will be found. Copyright © 2008 Utilitas Mathematica Pub. Inc.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)173-184
JournalCongressus Numerantium
Publication statusPublished - 2008


Shiu, W. C., & Chiu, M. C. (2008). Invariant factors of cartesian product of graphs and one point unions of graphs. Congressus Numerantium, 191, 173-184.


  • q-matrix
  • Invariant factors
  • Cartesian product of graphs
  • One point unions of graphs


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