Interrogating race in the NEST/NNEST ideological dichotomy: Insights from raciolinguistics, culturally sustaining pedagogy and translanguaging

Peter I. DE COSTA, Curtis Allen GREEN-ENEIX, Wendy LI, Hima RAWAL

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters

10 Citations (Scopus)
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBloomsbury World Englishes Volume 2: Ideologies
EditorsRani RUBDY, Ruanni TUPAS, Mario SARACENI
Place of PublicationUK
PublisherBloomsbury Academic
ISBN (Electronic)9781350065857
ISBN (Print)9781350065840
Publication statusPublished - May 2021


De Costa, P. I., Green-Eneix, C., Li, W., & Rawal, H. (2021). Interrogating race in the NEST/NNEST ideological dichotomy: Insights from raciolinguistics, culturally sustaining pedagogy and translanguaging. In R. Rubdy, R. Tupas, & M. Saraceni (Eds.), Bloomsbury World Englishes Volume 2: Ideologies (pp. 127-140). Bloomsbury Academic.