Innovative practices of teaching classical Chinese vocabulary: From etymology to semantic system

Yin Ling LAW, Pui Ling TANG

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


The study examines the teaching of Chinese characters in Hong Kong primary and secondary schools. Currently, the “learn character through reading text” approach is widely used, but it lacks an explanation of the connection between form, meaning, and sound. This study aims to provide a systematic understanding of word form and meaning through an etymological approach – Systematic Chinese Etymon Acquisition (SCEA). The system helps students understand Classical Chinese and recognize the different meanings of the same character in various texts. The study involved 114 Year 10 students from a local secondary school in Hong Kong. Learning materials aligned with the school's Chinese language curriculum were used for one month. Pre-and post-tests were conducted to assess the students' knowledge of Classical Chinese vocabulary, and questionnaires were administered to gather feedback on the SCEA approach. The data were analyzed using SPSS. The findings revealed that the participants' knowledge of etymology improved significantly. They demonstrated a stronger understanding of the meaning and extended meaning of Chinese characters, as well as an increased awareness of Chinese culture. Based on these results, pedagogical implications for teaching Chinese characters will be proposed. Copyright © 2024 selection and editorial matter, Sin Manw Sophia Lam, John Chi-Kin Lee and Chung Mou Si; individual chapters, the contributors.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLearning and teaching Chinese as a first language: International perspectives
EditorsSin Manw Sophia LAM, John Chi-Kin LEE, Chung Mou SI
Place of PublicationAbingdon, Oxon
ISBN (Electronic)9781003410454
ISBN (Print)9781032531267, 9781032531311
Publication statusPublished - 2024


Law, Y. L., & Tang, P. L. (2024). Innovative practices of teaching classical Chinese vocabulary: From etymology to semantic system. In S. M. S. Lam, J. C.-K. Lee, & C. M. Si (Eds.), Learning and teaching Chinese as a first language: International perspectives (pp. 137-154). Routledge.


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