Implementation and impact of languages-in-education policies: Presentation of a comparative analytical framework

Tae Hee CHOI

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


Language-in-education – including language pedagogy, an integral part of planning language-in-education – has been one of the most popular areas of policymaking in many contexts, as languages are perceived to have utilitarian values. Numerous studies have been conducted to evaluate the impact of individual policy cases, and the factors which contribute to their impact. However, often these studies understand a policy as a static product and the discussions are limited to a particular policy. Reflecting the current understanding of a policy as an iterative process and taking a comparative perspective, this paper presents a framework which will help investigate and discuss implementation and impact of a language-in-education policy. In particular, it shares insights from analyses of relevant policies from telling case contexts of Hong Kong and South Korea. Drawing on general policy studies as well as language-in-education research, the paper will contribute to building the knowledge base of language-in-education research and to improving the effectiveness of language-in-education policy processes, by providing a tool to help better understand and research the phenomena reflecting their situatedness and the complexities involved and to predict the trajectory of such policies. Copyright © 2018 Asia TEFL.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2018
EventThe 16th Asia TEFL 1st MAAL & 6th HAAL 2018 International Conference: English Language Teaching in the Changing Glocalised World: Research and Praxis - University of Macau, Macao
Duration: 27 Jun 201829 Jun 2018


ConferenceThe 16th Asia TEFL 1st MAAL & 6th HAAL 2018 International Conference: English Language Teaching in the Changing Glocalised World: Research and Praxis
Internet address


Choi, T.-H. (2018, June). Implementation and impact of languages-in-education policies: Presentation of a comparative analytical framework. Paper presented at the 16th Asia TEFL International Conference: English Language Teaching in the Changing Glocalised World: Research and Praxis, University of Macau, Macau, China.


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