Impact of school based curriculum development teams upon teachers and pupils: A case study in Hong Kong

Hau Fai Edmond LAW, Jan VAN DEN AKKER, Wai Yan Sally WAN

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


This study is designed to investigate the impact of school-based curriculum development teams on teacher development and pupil learning, within the tradition of school-based curriculum development in a primary school in Hong Kong. Teacher and pupil interviews are used to evaluate the extent that teacher engagement in curriculum decision making processes within two school based curriculum development teams has led to teacher professional development which will be triangulated with the video taped meetings and tryout lessons. Pupils’ perspectives about how the innovation is perceived are to be collected in order to extend our understanding of the underlying principles in implementing curriculum changes in schools. Qualitative evidence reveals positively that participating teachers have developed themselves professionally through the process of planning, implementing and reflecting (PIR model) upon curriculum practice and innovation under certain conditions. However, the complexity of the structures and processes that are established for involving teachers in curriculum decision making processes needs further empirical and theoretical work.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2006
EventThe Second World Curriculum Studies Conference: Curriculum as an International Conversation - Tampere, Finland
Duration: 21 May 200624 May 2006


ConferenceThe Second World Curriculum Studies Conference: Curriculum as an International Conversation


Law, E. H. F., Van Den Akker, J., & Wan, S. W. Y. (2006, May). Impact of school based curriculum development teams upon teachers and pupils: A case study in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Second World Curriculum Studies Conference: Curriculum as an International Conversation, Tampere, Finland.


  • Primary Education
  • Teacher Education and Professional Development


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