Humanistic approach to school guidance and teacher development

Yee Lai Elaine TUNG-CHEUNG

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


Education values and beliefs in whole child development underpin the aims of education in the 21st century. Literature shows that teacher's belief in humanistic approach in bringing out the holistic development of a child plays a significant part in fulfilling the education ideology. The study of a group of 35 in-service primary school teachers in Hong Kong in 1999/2000 revealed that although a considerable number of them believed in the affective approach, they had technical difficulties in the implementation owing to the constraint of time and resources, whilst teacher development in understanding humanistic education is essential to facilitate the change.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2004


Tung Chueng, E. (2004, August). Humanistic approach to school guidance and teacher development. Paper presented at the 28th International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, China.


  • Teacher Education
  • Teacher Education and Professional Development


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