How school principals position themselves in times of education reform in China

Shun Wing NG, Shuk Han PUN

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


China has conferred a new historical mission on education where school principals have played a significant role to prepare her young generations to meet the challenges posed by domestic and global changes. To enrich existing understanding, this study aims to provide a thick description of the position school principals find themselves in education reform in China. The description is built on two sets of primary data: qualitative comments gathered through a survey on education reform among 73 principals from a coastal city in Northeast of China and direct responses of 6 principals participated in a focus-group interview. The study can help formulate professional development programs gearing to the aspiration of school principals to help meet the historical mission of education reform in China.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2013
EventThe 2nd Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research (CYICER 2013) - Atatürk Teacher Training Academy
Duration: 14 Feb 201316 Feb 2013


ConferenceThe 2nd Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research (CYICER 2013)
Abbreviated titleCYICER 2013


Ng, S. W., & Pun, S. H. (2013, February). How school principals position themselves in times of education reform in China. Paper presented at The 2nd Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research (CYICER 2012), Atatürk Teacher Training Academy, North Cyprus.


  • Education reform
  • Principal leadership
  • Habitus
  • School capital


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