How project team members’ research skills and knowledge can be transferred to learning and teaching materials of the independent enquiry study?

Ka Wai Maggie LAU, Ming Yue KAN

Research output: Other contributionOther contributions


This seminar aims to share how project team members’ knowledge and experience have been transferred to (i) research methods, (ii) research experience, and (iii) IT education which assist the implementation of the newly initiated subject of Liberal Studies for the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education in 2009. The knowledge transfer deliverables of this project, including Handbook for Independent Enquiry Study of Liberal Studies and support website – IES22.Net, aims to address the problem of insufficient teaching materials, and enhance learning and teaching quality of the Liberal Studies subject. Copyright © 2010 The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2011


Lau, K. W. M., & Kan, M. Y. (2011, April). How project team members’ research skills and knowledge can be transferred to learning and teaching materials of the independent enquiry study?. Sharing sessions conducted at the knowledge transfer (KT) sharing sessions, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China.


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