How parents were involved in a special school in Hong Kong

Shun Wing NG, Tai Hoi Theodore LEE

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7 Citations (Scopus)


Purpose: This paper aims to report a case study of 93 parents’ attitude towards their involvement at various levels of school education in a special school. It also examines the relations between parents’ education backgrounds and different levels of parental involvement. Design/methodology/approach: This study adopted quantitative research approach. A questionnaire composed of 30 items under six scales was developed with reference to Ng’s (1999) six–level Model of Home-School Cooperation which was adopted to frame the study. Findings: The study indicates that parents’ inclined to be involved more outside the school including ‘two-way communication’, ‘supervision of children at home’ and ‘participation in parent organizations and activities’ than that inside the school such as ‘volunteering’, ‘providing advice on school policies’ and ‘participating in decision making’. Research limitations/implications: In spite of its small scale in a case-study special school, it does not aim at generalization but illuminate how parental involvement was carried out. Practical implications: The study carries the implications for school management and policy makers when promoting and implementing parental involvement in special schools. Originality/value: For the school personnel, a total and positive relationship could help enhance efficient and effective management of education. Second, more resources should be provided by the Education Bureau for special schools to educate parents and subsidize their involvement. Third, more training opportunities regarding knowledge and skills of parental involvement be provided for frontline teachers. Copyright © 2015 Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)420-430
JournalInternational Journal of Educational Management
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2015


Ng, S. W., & Lee, T. T. H. (2015). How parents were involved in a special school in Hong Kong. International Journal of Educational Management, 29(4), 420-430.


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