How assessment supports learning: Learning-oriented assessment in action

David Robert CARLESS, Gordon Rowland JOUGHIN, Ngar Fun LIU

Research output: Book/ReportBooks

75 Citations (Scopus)


How Assessment Supports Learning: Learning-oriented Assessment in Action invites teachers in higher education to rethink the purposes of assessment and to revise their assessment practices in the interests of improved student learning. It combines practice, theory, research and extensive examples of assessment techniques to support academics in this vital part of their multi-faceted role. This book presents 39 innovative assessment practices from a range of disciplines and located in a clearly articulated theoretical framework. This framework is congruent with outcomes-based approaches, currently being implemented in universities in Hong Kong and elsewhere. The practices, which can be modified for use in a wide range of contexts, illustrate how assessment can be used to engage students in productive learning, provide genuinely helpful feedback efficiently, and help students learn to evaluate and improve the quality of their own work. The book concludes with suggestions for responding to challenges at the interface between assessment and learning. Copyright © 2006 Hong Kong University Press.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationHong Kong
PublisherHong Kong University Press
ISBN (Print)9789622098237, 9789888052387, 9622098231
Publication statusPublished - 2006


Carless, D., Joughin, G., Liu, N.-F., & Associates (2006). How assessment supports learning: Learning-oriented assessment in action. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.


  • College students
  • Rating of
  • Educational tests and measurements
  • Communication in education
  • Hong Kong


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