Hong Kong society: Anxiety in the post-1997 days

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16 Citations (Scopus)


People in Hong Kong were restless before and following the handover in 1997. They were in a state of anxiety-a kind of political psychology that was neither resistant nor compliant. Beneath quiescence on the surface, people were groaning and grumbling. This paper is an attempt to probe the political psychology of uneasiness and anxiety among the people of Hong Kong in the transitional year. The objective is to look at the popular mood in Hong Kong after the handover, showing the hidden fears and suppressed emotions among the ordinary people. Through descriptions of ordinary people's reactions to events and non-events (from the official celebrations of the handover to the airport fiasco) happening in the transitional year, we shall see how this state of uneasiness is buttressed in the deeper structural conditions shaping the formation of Hong Kong identity. Copyright © 1999 Carfax Publishing Ltd.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)89-101
JournalJournal of Contemporary China
Issue number20
Publication statusPublished - 1999


Lui, T.-L. (1999). Hong Kong society: Anxiety in the post‐1997 days. Journal of Contemporary China, 8(20), 89-101.


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