High-availability deployment for large enterprises

Huahui LYU, Ping LI, Ruihong YAN, Hongjie QIAN, Bin SHENG

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


With the explosive growth of data capacity, large enterprises increasingly rely on business information systems. A highly informational and data-centralized grid company that engages in high-frequency businesses will face major business failures, incalculable impacts and irreparable damages once data errors occur. The development of an effective high-availability information system has become a hot topic for grid companies. Based on the analysis of pioneer enterprises or businesses (mainly IT enterprises), this paper summarizes the development mode of gradual deployment, and further proposes an extended architecture suitable for large enterprises such as grid companies in order to provide references and suggestions for the gradual deployment of high-availability information systems.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2016
EventThe 2016 IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing - Shanghai, China
Duration: 23 Dec 201625 Dec 2016


ConferenceThe 2016 IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing
Abbreviated titlePIC 2016


Lyu, H., Li. P., Yan, R., Qian, H., & Sheng, B. (2016, December). High-availability deployment for large enterprises. Paper presented at The 2016 IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC-2016), Shanghai Guang Dong Hotel, Shanghai, China.


  • Cloud computing
  • Gradual deployment
  • Grid company
  • High availability


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