Global and local problematics of vouchers: An example of educational reform discourses toward educational quality

I Fang LEE

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


An overarching theme of this research project is to understand the systems of reasoning that organize and order our common sense of educational knowledge at the present historical moment. Aiming to understand how educational reform discourses and policies, such as vouchers, produce particular normative knowledge and discourse(s) to shape and discipline our understanding and construction(s) of freedom, equity, and democracy, I highlight the preschool vouchers in Taiwan as an event, a particular case that can illustrate current systems of reasoning that have produced a particular national imaginary of modernization. My interest in re-conceptualizing the effects of vouchers is not to discuss whether voucher policies are good or bad for dismantling government’s monopoly over public school systems. Nor do I organize a discussion on how vouchers are good or evil as a strategy for (de)regulating the field of education. Rather, I intend to excavate how preschool vouchers in Taiwan produce ways of thinking and talking about what is modern and the modernization of education in which “modern and well-educated” autonomous individuals (parents, children) should act and think.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2007
Event2007 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association: The World of Educational Quality - Chicago, United States
Duration: 09 Apr 200713 Apr 2007


Conference2007 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association: The World of Educational Quality
Abbreviated titleAERA2007
Country/TerritoryUnited States


Lee, I.-F. (2007, April). Global and local problematics of vouchers: An example of educational reform discourses toward educational quality. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association: The World of Educational Quality, Chicago, IL.


  • Early Childhood Education
  • Educational Policy and Management


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