Getting senior schooling to work: Workbased learning in a senior secondary school in Hong Kong

Peter KELL, Rupert MACLEAN, Benjamin SO, Susan HA, Francisco WONG, Koon Lin WONG

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


The Hong Kong senior secondary school system is currently involved in a major reform process. The reform process involves expanding access and offering a broader range of curriculum choices for students including options for vocational education. This is a major challenge in a society where there is an emphasis on examination based academic studies and where vocational education is assigned a low status. This paper explores the initiatives of CCC Kung Lee College, an independent high school in Hong Kong, in introducing work-based learning as part of the new reforms to senior schooling. The College in partnership with the Centre for Lifelong learning Research and Developments at the Hong Kong Institute of Education successfully applied for a Quality Education Fund to implement vocational education programs using work-based learning in hospitality and tourism, IT and business studies. This paper, describes the processes of introducing a work-based learning program. It explores the key challenges of introducing vocational education into a secondary school in Hong Kong. Copyright © 2011 Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association (AVETRA).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAvetra 14th annual conference: Research in VET: Janus-reflecting back, projecting forward: Thursday, 28 - Friday, 29 April 2011, Rendezvous Hotel Melbourne, Vic
PublisherAustralian Vocational Education and Training Research Association (AVETRA)
ISBN (Electronic)9780980527537, 0980527538
Publication statusPublished - 2011


Kell, P., Maclean, R., So, B., Ha, S., Wong, F., & Wong, L. (2011). Getting senior schooling to work: Workbased learning in a senior secondary school in Hong Kong. In Avetra 14th annual conference: Research in VET: Janus-reflecting back, projecting forward: Thursday, 28 - Friday, 29 April 2011, Rendezvous Hotel Melbourne, Vic. Retrieved from


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