From text to graph: A general transition-based AMR parsing using neural network

Min GU, Yanhui GU, Weilan LUO, Guandong XU, Zhenglu YANG, Junsheng ZHOU, Weiguang QU

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Semantic understanding is an essential research issue for many applications, such as social network analysis, collective intelligence and content computing, which tells the inner meaning of language form. Recently, Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) is attracted by many researchers for its semantic representation ability on an entire sentence. However, due to the non-projectivity and reentrancy properties of AMR graphs, they lose some important semantic information in parsing from sentences. In this paper, we propose a general AMR parsing model which utilizes a two-stack-based transition algorithm for both Chinese and English datasets. It can incrementally parse sentences to AMR graphs in linear time. Experimental results demonstrate that it is superior in recovering reentrancy and handling arcs while is competitive with other transition-based neural network models on both English and Chinese datasets. Copyright © 2020 Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6009-6025
JournalNeural Computing and Applications
Early online dateOct 2020
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2021


Gu, M., Gu, Y., Luo, W., Xu, G., Yang, Z., Zhou, J., & Qu, W. (2021). From text to graph: A general transition-based AMR parsing using neural network. Neural Computing and Applications, 33, 6009-6025.


  • Semantic analysis
  • AMR parsing
  • Two-stack-based transition algorithm
  • Neural network


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