From creativity to creative industries: A curly road that education can contribute

Yue On James KO, Debbie LAU

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


One proposed initiative of the Hong Kong Government is maintaining the city’s competitiveness and strategies by cultivating the creativity of her people. Thus, understanding the economic outputs generated by people’s creativity, and the structural and environmental conditions that allow people to remain creative is important. This paper examines the concept of creativity and the two main forms of creativity cultivation in schools. Based on interviews with teachers of a local secondary school excelled in drama education, the contributions of a whole-school approach, internal support and opportunities, and capital resources to creative education in school are explored. Finally, a stronger emphasis on creativity education in extra-curricular activities, and vocational education and training is proposed, especially for students of lower academic achievements and those from backgrounds of lower socioeconomic status.
香港政府的一項主要關注事項是維持港人的競爭力。因此,重要的策略是如何保持市民的創意,維持創新成果的經濟總量,以及繼續維護讓創造力得以發揮的所需結構和環境條件。本文先探討「創意」一詞的概念和在學校裹培養創造力的兩種主要形式。透過訪問老師的摘錄進而指出全校參與模式,校內的支援和機遇,以及類似「優質教育基金」的資源等因素對培養創意的貢獻。最後,本文提出對學業成績稍遜及社會經濟背景較低的學生,可透過課外活動和職教與職訓,加強培育他們的創意。 Copyright © 2014 HKFYG.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)35-49
JournalJournal of Youth Studies
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2014


Ko, J., & Lau, D. (2014). From creativity to creative industries: A curly road that education can contribute. Journal of Youth Studies, 17(2), 35-49.


  • Vocational education and training
  • Formal curriculum
  • Creativity
  • School policy
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • 創意
  • 學校政策
  • 正規課程
  • 課外活動
  • 職業教育及培訓
  • Alt. title: 從創意到創意產業:一條曲折而靠教育可以促進的道路


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