From China to Italy: Validation of the adolescent self-consciousness questionnaire

Elisa DELVECCHIO, Diana MABILIA, Adriana LIS, Claudia MAZZESCHI, Yangang NIE, Jianbin LI

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9 Citations (Scopus)


This study aimed at validating a Chinese questionnaire on self-consciousness for Italian adolescents. Self-consciousness is a hierarchical construct of self which comprehends self-evaluation, self-experience and self-monitoring. 1138 Italian adolescents filled in the Adolescent Self-Consciousness questionnaire and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis with cross-validation procedure was adopted to strengthen the findings. Results confirmed the second-order factor structure proposed by the authors showed good psychometric properties and discrete criteria validity, suggesting that the ASC could be a reliable and suitable measure to assess self-consciousness in Italian youths. Copyright © 2013 Taylor & Francis.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)120-128
JournalEuropean Journal of Developmental Psychology
Issue number1
Early online date06 Sept 2013
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2014


Delvecchio, E., Mabilia, D., Lis, A., Mazzeschi, C., Nie, Y., & Li, J.-B. (2014). From China to Italy: Validation of the adolescent self-consciousness questionnaire. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 11(1), 120-128. doi: 10.1080/17405629.2013.831760


  • Adolescent self-consciousness
  • Asiatic and Western instruments
  • Psychometric properties


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