Fostering student teachers’ 21st century skills by using flipped learning by teaching in STEM education

Chak Him FUNG, Kin Keung POON, Siu Ping NG

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


In recent decades, STEM has received wide attention in education and educators have been seeking effective approaches for STEM education. Learning by teaching could be a potential solution as it could help students develop 21st century skills. However, the high time cost and lack of relevant knowledge create a great barrier to its users and make the approach unpopular. Thus, this study aims to investigate how flipped learning by teaching could foster STEM education through the improvement of students’ understanding and their 21st century skills. By using seven-12 minutes pre-class video followed by 40-minute in-class sections, result suggested that flipped learning could contribute to students’ understanding, learning interest, creativity, and soft skill sets in 21st century skills. In view of its merits, flipped learning by teaching could be considered as an effective approach for STEM education. Copyright © 2022 by the authors; licensee Modestum.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberem2204
JournalEurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022


Fung, C.-H., Poon, K.-K., & Ng, S.-P. (2022). Fostering student teachers’ 21st century skills by using flipped learning by teaching in STEM education. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 18(12). Retrieved from


  • Flipped classroom
  • Innovative teaching and learning approach
  • Learning by teaching
  • STEM education
  • 21st century skills
  • PG student publication


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