Fostering patriotism among university students in Kazakhstan and China: Status and challenges

Chi Kin John LEE, Kuralay BOZYMBEKOVA

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


This chapter considers patriotic education in higher education institutions in China and Kazakhstan, how it is organised and implemented at the universities and how it contributes to the larger nation-building objectives of each nation. At a first glance the neighboring countries such as Kazakhstan and China may seem rather mismatched, however the influences of socialism in the past or the present as well as the current relations under the One Belt One Road initiatives provide an interesting perspective for discussion of how educational institutions act as instruments for nation-building. Although the analysis suggests the scarcity of research on the influence and role of universities on patriotism, the chapter highlights various aspects contributing to the construction and development of patriotic education at universities. Copyright © 2021 selection and editorial matter, John Chi-Kin Lee and Noel Gough; individual chapters, the contributors.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTransnational education and curriculum studies: International perspectives
EditorsJohn Chi-Kin LEE, Noel GOUGH
Place of PublicationOxon
ISBN (Electronic)9781351061629
ISBN (Print)9781138480889
Publication statusPublished - 2021


Lee, J. C.-K., & Bozymbekova, K. (2021). Fostering patriotism among university students in Kazakhstan and China: Status and challenges. In J. C.-K. Lee & N. Gough (Eds.), Transnational education and curriculum studies: International perspectives (pp. 172-188). Oxon: Routledge.


  • PG student publication


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