Feedback and self-regulated learning as predictors of primary students’ mathematics achievement: A study in the context of Hong Kong primary schools

Jinxin ZHU, Magdalena Mo Ching MOK

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2014
EventThe 28th International Self-Directed Learning Symposium - Cocoa Beach, United States
Duration: 01 Feb 201428 Feb 2014


SeminarThe 28th International Self-Directed Learning Symposium
Abbreviated titleISSDL2014
Country/TerritoryUnited States


Zhu, J., & Mok, M. M. C. (2014, February). Feedback and self-regulated learning as predictors of primary students’ mathematics achievement: A study in the context of Hong Kong primary schools. Paper presented at the 28th International Self-Directed Learning Symposium, Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA.