Feasibility of using microalgal biomass cultured in domestic wastewater for the removal of chromium pollutants

Xu HAN, Yuk Shan WONG, Ming Hung WONG, Fung Yee Nora TAM

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16 Citations (Scopus)


The feasibility of obtaining and using the biomass of a microalga, Chlorella miniata, from domestic wastewater (DW) cultures for the removal of chromium(III) [Cr(III)] and chromium(VI) [Cr(VI)] was compared with that from commercial Bristol medium (BM). Results showed that Chlorella miniate cultured in DW under 16-8 hours light-dark cycle [DW(16-8)] had similar growth to that in BM [BM(16-8)], but these two biomass had different biochemical compositions, and the former one had lower carbohydrate and higher protein content. When cultured in domestic waste water, a higher biomass was obtained under continuous illumination [DW(24-0)], and the cells had higher carbohydrate and lower protein concentrations than that of DW(16-8). The spectra of the Fourier transform infrared spectrometer revealed that the functional groups on the surface of the three kinds of biomass—DW (16-8), DW(24-0), and BM(16-8)—were comparable, except an additional peak at 1731 cm⁻¹ was found in the biomass cultured in domestic wastewater, which was probably the result of bacterial contamination. Although biochemical differences were found among the three kinds of microalgal biomass, similar biosorption performances to chromium pollutants were recorded, with approximately 75% Cr(III) and 100% Cr(VI)removed at equilibrium in Cr(III) and Cr(VI) experiments, respectively, when dead biomass was used as a biosorbent. Therefore, it is possible to culture Chlorella miniatain domestic wastewater and use the biomass for the removal of chromium pollutants. Water Environ. Res.,80,647 (2008). Copyright © 2008 Water Environment Federation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)647-653
JournalWater Environment Research
Issue number7
Early online dateJul 2008
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2008


Han, X., Wong,Y. S., Wong, M. H., & Tam, N. F. Y. (2008). Feasibility of using microalgal biomass cultured in domestic wastewater for the removal of chromium pollutants. Water Environment Research, 80(7), 647-653. https://doi.org/10.1002/j.1554-7531.2008.tb00351.x


  • Biosorption
  • Microalga
  • Chromium
  • Chlorella miniata
  • Fourier transform infrared spectrometer
  • Domestic wastewater


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