Family and school connectedness in the development of creative and critical thinking self-efficacy

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


This study aimed to examine the relationships between family and school connectedness on students’ creative and critical thinking self-efficacy. Academically talented students (n=1,424) from 4th-6th grade in Hong Kong completed a questionnaire. Results suggest that both family and school connectedness are positively associated with creative and critical thinking self-efficacy. Although school connectedness accounts for additional variance in creative and critical thinking self-efficacy after controlling for family connectedness, family and school connectedness only account for 18% of the variance in creative and critical thinking self-efficacy. Implications to researchers and educators will be discussed. Copyright © 2017 22nd Biennial World Gifted Conference.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2017
Event22nd World Council for Gifted and Talented Children Biennial World Conference - University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Duration: 20 Jul 201723 Jul 2017


Conference22nd World Council for Gifted and Talented Children Biennial World Conference
Abbreviated title22nd WCGTC Biennial World Conference


Fong, R. W. (2017, July). Family and school connectedness in the development of creative and critical thinking self-efficacy. The 22nd Biennial World Gifted Conference, Sydney, Australia.


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