Exploring the way of expression of eco-art in Hong Kong context


Research output: ThesisCapstone Projects (CP)


Sustainability is a current topic that being highly discussed by various sectors all around the world, with the goal to create an ecologically and socially world within the means of nature without compromising future generations (Moore, 2005; Kagan, 2011). With the concept of developing a sustainable world, eco-art is a new artform that being introduced in the artistic community which combines philosophical thinking and aesthetics expression. Since there is less relevant research on the way of expression of eco-art in Hong Kong, therefore the researcher is interested to understand the considerations of local eco-artists during their creation processes, as well as explore the potential way of expression of eco-art in Hong Kong context through art creations.
Qualitative research is used to understand the factors that affected the way of expression of local eco-artists. Through purposive sampling, the researcher conducts interviews with two local eco-artists in Hong Kong, the result of the findings show that creations of local eco-artists were theme-oriented and assisted by the material and form. Art-based inquiry is also used to explore potential way of expression of eco-art in Hong Kong, the researcher bases on the interview findings and further develops the way of expression of eco-art in Hong Kong context through art creations. It is hoped that this research can act as a foundation for the mass to understand the features of eco-art and further explore the possibilities in this field.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationBachelor of Education (Honours)
  • LAM, Yuk Lin 林玉蓮, Supervisor
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Eco-art
  • Way of expression
  • Art-based inquiry
  • Capstone Project (CP)
  • Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Visual Arts) (Five-year Full-time)
  • Programme code: A5B063
  • Course code: ART4902


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