Exploring the linkages among transparent communication, relational satisfaction and trust, and information sharing on social media in problematic situations

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6 Citations (Scopus)


Grounded in the framework of the relationship management theory, this study examined the effects of employees' perceived transparent communication on their relational trust and satisfaction with their organization and how the relational perceptions influenced their information sharing on social media in problematic situations. This study conducted a national survey of 449 employees working for large organizations in the United States. It found that employees' transparent communication with their organization positively influenced their relational satisfaction and trust. Employees who trusted their organization were more likely to share positive information about organizational problems on social media. The theoretical and practical implications of this study are discussed. Copyright © 2020 El Profesional de la Informacion. All rights reserved.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere290307
JournalProfesional de la información
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - May 2020


Wang, Y. (2020). Exploring the linkages among transparent communication, relational satisfaction and trust, and information sharing on social media in problematic situations. Profesional de la información, 29(3), Article e290307. https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2020.may.07


  • Organization-employee relationships
  • Relational satisfaction
  • Relational trust
  • Social media
  • Social networks
  • Information sharing on social media
  • Transparent communication


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