Exploring the gender differences of student teachers when using an educational game to learn programming concepts

Mee Wah Eugenia NG

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


The gender differences have long been an issue in computer games, but there is very little empirical research on the behavior and performance of females and males when playing computer games. This chapter discusses an exploratory study that aimed to examine the gender differences between female and male student teachers who played an educational game to learn programming concepts. This study we adopted a self-made educational game called “Game”. Fifteen males and eighteen females finished playing a level of the Game. Female participants spent more time in the Game but their scores were lower. Female and male students also employed different strategies when playing the Game. The findings call for larger and longer research studies and perhaps a re-design of the Game to make it more appealing to females, in order to have a thorough examination on the gender differences when using an educational game to learn. Copyright © 2011, IGI Global.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationHandbook of research on improving learning and motivation through educational games: Multidisciplinary approaches
EditorsPatrick FELICIA
Place of PublicationHershey, Pa
PublisherInformation Science Reference
ISBN (Print)1609604954, 9781609604950, 9781609604967
Publication statusPublished - 2011


Ng, E. M. W. (2011). Exploring the gender differences of student teachers when using an educational game to learn programming concepts. In P. Felicia (Ed), Handbook of research on improving learning and motivation through educational games: Multidisciplinary approaches (pp. 550-566). Hershey, Pa.: Information Science Reference.


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