Exploring the application of ChatGPT in ESL/EFL education and related research issues: A systematic review of empirical studies

Chung Kwan LO, Leung Ho Philip YU, Simin XU, Tsz Kit NG, Morris Siu-yung JONG

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


ChatGPT, a sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot capable of providing personalised responses to users’ inquiries, recently has had a substantial impact on education. Many studies have explored the use of ChatGPT in English as a second language (ESL) and English as a foreign language (EFL) education since its release on 30 November 2022. However, there has been a lack of systematic reviews summarising both the current knowledge and the gaps in this research area. This systematic review analyses 70 empirical studies related to the use of ChatGPT in ESL/EFL education within a 1.5-year period following its release. Using the Technology-based Learning Model, we provide a comprehensive overview of the domains in which ChatGPT has been applied, the methodological approaches, and associated research issues. The included studies collectively provide solid evidence regarding the affordances (e.g., increased learning opportunities, personalised learning, and teacher support) and potential drawbacks (e.g., incorrect information, privacy leakage, and academic dishonesty) of ChatGPT use in ESL/EFL education. However, our findings indicate that the majority of studies have focused on students’ use of this AI tool in writing, while few studies have quantitatively examined its effects on students’ performance and motivation. In addition, the impact of ChatGPT on other language skills, such as reading, speaking, and listening, remains under-researched. Therefore, we recommend that longer-term studies with rigorous research designs (e.g., quasi-experimental designs) and objective data sources (e.g., standardised tests) be conducted to provide more robust evidence regarding the influence of ChatGPT on students’ English language acquisition. Copyright © 2024 The Author(s).

Original languageEnglish
Article number50
JournalSmart Learning Environments
Early online dateNov 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - Nov 2024


Lo, C. K., Yu, P. L. H., Xu, S., Ng, D. T. K., & Jong, M. S.-Y. (2024). Exploring the application of ChatGPT in ESL/EFL education and related research issues: A systematic review of empirical studies. Smart Learning Environments, 11, Article 50. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40561-024-00342-5


  • ChatGPT
  • ESL
  • EFL
  • Language teaching
  • Language learning
  • Systematic review


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