Exploring teachers’ perception of gamification for promoting Personal Financial Education in Hong Kong secondary schools

Hok Yu NG

Research output: ThesisHonours Projects (HP)


Nowadays, Personal Financial Education has been much more valued than ever before. Following the global education trend, Hong Kong starts to promote Personal Financial Education to a certain extent. Notwithstanding, the Hong Kong education sector tends to rely on traditional formal teaching and learning approaches. On the other hand, there are many newly emerged 21st century teaching and learning strategies and gamification is one of the representations. However, there is a lack of local research which studies the relationship between Personal Financial Education and gamification. To fill this research gap, this study explored teachers’ perception of gamification for promoting Personal Financial Education in Hong Kong secondary schools. The qualitative research method was adopted and semi-structured interviews were conducted for collecting primary data from 10 in-service Business teachers. The findings suggest that there are some limitations in the current promotion of Personal Financial Education in Hong Kong secondary schools. This lays the groundwork for exploring new promotion approaches, including gamification. The findings also demonstrate that teachers perceived gamification comprehensively and they believed gamification is applicable for promoting Personal Financial Education. Given the positive relations between the two, teachers identified and analyzed the potential benefits, costs and challenges as well. These findings provide useful implications for the education field to further explore how gamification can be applied to promote Personal Financial Education in Hong Kong.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationBachelor of Education (Honours)
  • YU, Wai Mui, Christina 姚偉梅, Supervisor
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Personal Financial Education
  • Gamification
  • Financial literacy
  • Informal learning
  • 21st century teaching and learning
  • Honours Project (HP)
  • Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Business, Accounting and Financial Studies) (Five-year Full-time)
  • Programme code: A5B079
  • Course code: BUS4902


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