Exploring pre-service school counselling teachers’ learning needs: Perceptions of teacher educators and student-teachers

Rui Eric YUAN

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


Drawing on the dual perspectives of teacher educators and student-teachers, this research explores the complex learning needs of pre-service school counselling teachers (SCTs) in China. Relying on data from in-depth interviews and relevant curriculum documents, the findings of the study demonstrate four critical needs of SCTs, namely, developing a strong knowledge foundation with research competence, linking theories with practice in specific institutional and socio-cultural contexts, seeking social support and emotional guidance, as well as constructing a sense of vision and agency. However, due to a linear curriculum structure as well as various contextual obstacles (e.g. the exam-oriented system and potential social bias), the learning needs of student-teachers were not sufficiently addressed in the pre-service teacher education programme. The study argues for a recursive, integrative and context-specific teacher education curriculum in which student-teachers can be afforded rich practical opportunities and sufficient social and emotional support in the process of learning to teach. Copyright © 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)474-490
JournalJournal of Education for Teaching
Issue number4
Early online dateJun 2017
Publication statusPublished - 2017


Yuan, R. (2017). Exploring pre-service school counselling teachers’ learning needs: Perceptions of teacher educators and student-teachers. Journal of Education for Teaching, 43(4), 474-490.


  • Learning needs
  • School counselling
  • Pre-service teacher education curriculum


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