Exploring contemporary jazz music from jazz guitarists after 2000 through original compositions

Tsz Hoi YU

Research output: ThesisCapstone Projects (CP)


This paper presents the findings of a study that investigates (1) on the impacts of other genres of music to contemporary jazz after 2000; and (2) presents the proposal on demonstrating the jazz elements of contemporary Jazz guitarists after 2000 with original composition. This study adopts three compositions as the analysis for methodology, showing the features of contemporary jazz music from contemporary Jazz guitarists after 2000 and to try to investigate where were their influence from, and the original compositions will be the goal to demonstrate the features and the influence for this capstone project. Therefore, this project aims to find out a more solid understanding of contemporary jazz from jazz guitarists after 2000, the features and the influence it included, with original compositions to demonstrate the discovery of contemporary jazz after 2000. Ideally, in further future this project can act as an introduction for people who are interested to understand the features of contemporary jazz after 2000 composed by guitarists and extend the exploration in this genre.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationBachelor of Arts (Honours) and Bachelor of Education (Honours)
  • CHEN, Chi Wai 陳智偉, Supervisor
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Contemporary jazz after 2000
  • Jazz influence
  • Contemporary jazz composition
  • Music analysis
  • Capstone Project (CP)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture and Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Music) (Five-Year Full-Time)
  • Programme code: A5B080
  • Course code: MUS4330


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