Exploring alternative assessments to support digital storytelling for creative thinking in primary school classrooms

Lee Yong TAY, Siew Khiaw LIM, Cher Ping LIM

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


This chapter documents the use of digital storytelling as a teaching approach to facilitate the learning of creative thinking among students (aged 7 and 8) in a primary school setting. A constructive teaching approach is adopted to allow students to create their own digital stories based on an authentic experience and express their thoughts. The focus of this chapter is to show how a shift from traditional classroom assessment to more flexible, alternative assessment format facilitates higher level thought processes (e.g., creative thinking) and range of skills. Several issues and challenges of using alternative assessment in digital storytelling are explored and discussed. Findings suggest that digital storytelling may be effectively used as an approach to foster creative thinking. They also suggest that refinements to the assessment process are needed to make it more formative in nature. Copyright © 2011 Information Science Reference.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTechnology for creativity and Innovation: Tools, techniques and applications
EditorsAnabela MESQUITA
Place of PublicationHershey, Pa.
PublisherInformation Science Reference
ISBN (Print)9781609605193
Publication statusPublished - 2011


Tay. L. Y., Lim, S. K., & Lim, C. P. (2011). Exploring alternative assessments to support digital storytelling for creative thinking in primary school classrooms. In A. Mesquita (Ed.), Technology for creativity and Innovation: Tools, techniques and applications (pp. 268-284). Hershey, Pa.: Information Science Reference.


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