Exploiting computerized adaptive testing for self-directed learning

Chia Ling Connie HSU, Yue ZHAO, Wen Chung WANG

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters

2 Citations (Scopus)


Self-directed learning enables learners to take responsibility for and to design their own learning-related activities. Frequent assessments facilitate self-directed learners to monitor learning regularly. Often, quizzes with multiple-choice (MC), true-false, or fill-in-the-gap items are a quick way of gathering information on the strengths and weakness of learners. Although with limitations, such kinds of items can assess both low-level (e.g., fact recall and comprehension) and high-level (e.g., application, analysis, and evaluation) thinking and are particularly suitable for online computerized testing, largely because they can be scored by computers. This chapter starts with an introduction to traditional paper-and-pencil testing, followed by computer-based testing, and six commonly used test delivery models. Then, key features, underlying measurement theory, major steps, and constructions of computerized adaptive testing, are described. This chapter ends with some concluding remarks and discussion of future developments of CAT. Copyright © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSelf-directed learning oriented assessment in the Asia Pacific
EditorsMagdalena Mo Ching MOK
Place of PublicationDordrecht, The Netherlands
ISBN (Electronic)9789400745070
ISBN (Print)9789400745063
Publication statusPublished - 2013


Hsu, C.-L., Zhao, Y., & Wang, W.-C. (2013). Exploiting computerized adaptive testing for self-directed learning. In M. M. C. Mok (Ed.), Self-directed learning oriented assessment in the Asia Pacific (pp. 257-280). Netherlands: Springer.


  • Item response theory
  • Item bank
  • Item response theory model
  • Ability level
  • Computerize adaptive testing


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