Experimentation in dynamic geometry environments

Yip Cheung CHAN

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapters


Dynamic geometry environment (DGE), such as Sketchpad, is a powerful tool for exploring and discovering geometric properties. It is a good platform for experimenting and verifying mathematical statements because is allows users to manipulate geometric objects. In this paper, I will discuss how DGE may contribute to the experimenting process. As an illustration, I will describe some possible ways of doing experiments in Sketchpad exploration tasks. I hope this paper can give some insights on integrating DGE in geometry learning and teaching. Copyright © 2009 香港數學教育學會.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication《香港數學教育會議2009論文集:全民數學‧全民學數》
Editors 黃家樂, 李玉潔, 潘維凱, 鄧國俊
Place of Publication香港
ISBN (Print)9789889982249
Publication statusPublished - 2009


Chan, Y. C. (2009):Experimentation in dynamic geometry environments,輯於黃家樂、李玉潔、潘維凱、鄧國俊編《香港數學教育會議2009論文集:全民數學‧全民學數》,(頁 54-67),香港,香港數學教育學會。


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