Evaluation of mental workload in visual-motor task: Spectral analysis of single-channel frontal EEG

Joseph N. MAK, Ho Man Rosa CHAN, Wai Ho Savio WONG

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers

21 Citations (Scopus)


This study explores the feasibility of mental workload monitoring using a single-channel mobile EEG system. We investigated the modulation of frontal neural activity with respect to changes in mental workload levels induced by visual-motor tasks of varied difficulty. Using a computerized visual-motor task similar to mirror drawing, our work demonstrated that perceived difficulty was more dominated by the complexity of the path to be traced than the actual time taken to complete the task. EEG activities recorded from the forehead area at the beginning of each trial are positively correlated with overall perceived difficulty of the task. Results in this study suggest that frontal EEG spectra are significantly modulated by the changes in relative mental workload levels during a visual-motor task. Such finding shed light on the possibility of mental workload monitoring in daily life using a user-friendly mobile EEG system. Copyright © 2013 IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2013


Mak, J., Chan, R. H. M., & Wong, W. H. S. (2013, November). Evaluation of mental workload in visual-motor task: Spectral analysis of single-channel frontal EEG. Paper presented at the 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Vienna, Austria.


  • Homecare and remote patient monitoring
  • Evaluation of mental workload
  • Mobile telehealth and wireless applications
  • Telehealth software and systems


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