Evaluating the use of a social media tool for collaborative group writing of secondary school students in Hong Kong

Samuel Kai Wah CHU, Catherine Mamaid CAPIO, Jan C.W. van AALST, Wai Lun Eddie CHENG

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

34 Citations (Scopus)


The rapid development of social media tools has increased interest in their pedagogical value. It has been suggested that social media tools such as wikis can promote online collaborative and interactive learning. This study investigated the value of wikis in supporting collaborative group writing quality among secondary school students in Hong Kong. Students from a local secondary school engaged in group writing projects using Pbworks, a popular wiki tool. Data were gathered from (1) the revision tracking history, (2) a questionnaire on the perceived pedagogical value of the wiki, and (3) group interviews with students. Findings showed that students who made more collaborative revisions on the wiki produced higher-quality writing output. In general, students reported a moderately positive attitude towards the pedagogical value of the wiki. The findings suggest that wikis promote collaborative writing, but teachers need to adopt pedagogical strategies that would equip students to use wikis. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)170-180
JournalComputers & Education
Early online dateMar 2017
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2017


Chu, S. K. W., Capio, C. M., Aalst, J. C. W. V., & Cheng, E. W. L. (2017). Evaluating the use of a social media tool for collaborative group writing of secondary school students in Hong Kong. Computers & Education, 110, 170-180.


  • Social media
  • PBworks
  • Collaborative writing
  • Cooperative writing
  • Secondary education


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