Environmental governance in Hong Kong: Moving towards multi-level participation

Nga Yee Irene CHENG, Wing Mui Winnie SO

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

12 Citations (Scopus)


National or regional policy, regulatory framework and administration/dissemination constitute governance. Environmental governance is distinctive because advice to policy formation implies a bottom-up, participative and collaborative structure and set of processes. Solving environmental problems, which involves community engagement, inevitably invites a more diverse participation. This often creates tensions between government and some stakeholders in society and among stakeholders. This article examines some of these tensions that have arisen in Hong Kong as government, non-government organizations (NGOs) and business interests attempt to move to a multi-level approach. Academia and NGOs are concerned particularly with quality of life issues and policies that ameliorate the impact of environmental deterioration. The business sector, whilst realizing that environmental concerns cannot be ignored, needs to consider profit imperatives and also it often takes a different policy and regulatory perspective. The article concludes by highlighting issues of participation gap and other barriers within environmental governance, and suggesting ways to resolve these problems. Copyright © 2015 Taylor & Francis.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)297-311
JournalJournal of Asian Public Policy
Issue number3
Early online dateMar 2015
Publication statusPublished - 2015


Cheng, N.-Y., & So, W.-M. W. (2015, March). Environmental governance in Hong Kong: Moving towards multi-level participation. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 8(3), 297-311.


  • Community engagement
  • Diversity of participation
  • Environmental governance
  • Gap
  • Hong Kong
  • Partnership


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