English-Chinese parallel Corpus and EFL education

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


In recent years, Corpus Linguistic has assumed an ever greater and more active role in EFL education. English corpora, such as the Bank of English and British National Corpus, are therefore used with increasing frequency in local and international language classrooms. However, the pedagogical implications and applications of English-Chinese parallel corpora have not yet received much attention. This paper reports on the development of an English-Chinese Parallel Corpus and examines possible pedagogical applications. An English-Chinese Parallel Concordancing (E-C Concord) program developed as a result of a related research project will also be introduced. This is a tool that allows users to study the two languages side by side in their natural contexts of use. The pedagogical applications of parallel concordancing in English and Chinese are then illustrated via a Data-Driven Learning approach which allows learners themselves to research and explore data sets and to generate hypotheses. The theories of using translation in language studies will also be revisited, and the advantages and limitations of using parallel texts in language learning considered. It is hoped that the English-Chinese Parallel Corpus and the E-C Concord program will become valuable resources for language teachers and learners, and that appropriate pedagogical models and methodologies can be established for the development of innovative teaching materials that derive from such parallel texts.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2004
EventThe International Language in Education Conference 2004: The Way Forward in Language Education = 第十八屆國際語文教育研討會:語文教育的前瞻 - Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, China
Duration: 01 Dec 200431 Dec 2004


ConferenceThe International Language in Education Conference 2004: The Way Forward in Language Education = 第十八屆國際語文教育研討會:語文教育的前瞻
CityHong Kong


Wang, L. (2004, December). English-Chinese parallel Corpus and EFL education. Paper presented at the International Language in Education Conference 2004: The Way Forward in Language Education, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China.


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