Emergance of demand for private supplementary tutoring in Hong Kong: Argument, indicators and implications

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The paper highlights the determinants for demand for private supplementary tutoring and their interrelationships in a case study of Hong Kong. Reviews of past local and international literature reveal several research gaps related to tutoring studies and lack of theoretical explanations for the emergence of tutoring demand. Based on relevant interview and survey data, some socio-economic and socio-cultural patterns of tutoring demand are depicted in terms of a multi-level socio-cultural argument for its nature and determinant relationships via some conceptual indicators. New issues and challenges to various educational fields are finally addressed. Copyright © 2004 Hong Kong Teachers' Centre.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-14
JournalHong Kong Teachers' Centre Journal
Publication statusPublished - 2004


Kwok, L.-Y. P. (2004). Emergance of demand for private supplementary tutoring in Hong Kong: Argument, indicators and implications. Hong Kong Teachers' Centre Journal, 3, 1-14.


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