Este articulo tiene comoobjetivo idenlificar y documentar buenas prácticas de enseñanza musical quepromueven la inclusión social, y desarrollar estrategias pedagógicas efectivasque incorporen las perspectivas de los alumnos. Se seleccionó para el estudio auna profesora de música de secundaria de Hong Kong, y se observaron dos clases conalumnos de 12 a 13 añas de edad. El proceso de enseñanza fue fîlmado y revisado.Posteriormente se invitó a la profesora y a un grupo de alumnos a participar enuna entrevista semi-estructurada para escuchar sus ideas sobre buenas prácticas en la enseñanza dela música. Los hallazgos revelan que las buenas prácticas observadas fueron atribuidasa cuatro factores referidos a la profesora: 1) su personalidad, 2) su pedagogia, 3) su competencia musical, y 4) su filosofia sobre laenseñanza.
This paper aims at identifying and recording good music teaching practices that promote social inclusion, and at developing effective teaching strategies that incorporate student perspectives into the pedagogies. A music teacher in Hong Kong was selected for this study, and two different classes of Form 2 (ages 12-13) were observed. The teaching process was videotaped and reviewed. Afterwards the teacher and a group of students were invited to participate in a semi-structured interview to solicit their ideas towards good practice of music teaching. Findings reveal that the good practices observed were attributed to four factors: 1) teacher’s personality, 2) teacher’s pedagogy, 3) teacher’s musical competence, and 4) teacher’s philosophy of teaching. Copyright © 2005 Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
This paper aims at identifying and recording good music teaching practices that promote social inclusion, and at developing effective teaching strategies that incorporate student perspectives into the pedagogies. A music teacher in Hong Kong was selected for this study, and two different classes of Form 2 (ages 12-13) were observed. The teaching process was videotaped and reviewed. Afterwards the teacher and a group of students were invited to participate in a semi-structured interview to solicit their ideas towards good practice of music teaching. Findings reveal that the good practices observed were attributed to four factors: 1) teacher’s personality, 2) teacher’s pedagogy, 3) teacher’s musical competence, and 4) teacher’s philosophy of teaching. Copyright © 2005 Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Original language | Spanish |
Pages (from-to) | 1-12 |
Journal | Revista Electrónica Complutense de Investigación en Educación Musical |
Volume | 2 |
Issue number | 1 |
Publication status | Published - 2005 |
Leung, B. W., & Wong, P. W. Y. (2005). El autoconcepto de una profesora de música de secundaria y la percepción de los alumnos sobre la efectividad de la enseñanza, en un contexto desfavorecido. Revista Electrónica Complutense de Investigación en Educación Musical, 2(1), 1-12.Keywords
- Secondary Education
- Theory and Practice of Teaching and Learning
- Music
- Teaching
- Students
- Pedagogy
- Alt. title: Matching music teacher's self conception with students' perception on teaching effectiveness in an unfavourable secondary classroom context