Effects of social identity salience on motivational orientation and conflict strategies in intergenerational conflict

Chun Yip Henry HO, Yuen Lan Dannii YEUNG

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10 Citations (Scopus)


With the upsurge of older adults still working, the labour force is becoming increasingly diverse in age. Age diversity in an organisation can increase the likelihood of intergenerational conflict. The present study aims to integrate the dual concern model and social identity theory to explain the underlying mechanisms of intergenerational conflict by examining the effects of social identity salience on motivational orientation and conflict strategies. A 2 (subgroup identity salience: low vs. high younger/older group membership) × 2 (superordinate identity salience: low vs. high organisational group membership) factorial design with a structured questionnaire on motivational orientation and conflict strategies in relation to a hypothetical work conflict scenario was implemented among 220 postgraduate university students in Hong Kong. Results revealed that subgroup and superordinate identities had a combined influence on conflict strategies but not in motivational orientation. Subgroup and superordinate identification promoted integrating and compromising strategies, superordinate identification promoted obliging strategy, subgroup identification promoted dominating strategy and no identification promoted avoiding strategy. Age did not moderate these relationships. This study contributes to the development of the integrated model of conflict. Copyright © 2017 International Union of Psychological Science.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)108-116
JournalInternational Journal of Psychology
Issue number1
Early online dateJun 2017
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2019


Ho, H. C. Y., & Yeung, D. Y. (2019). Effects of social identity salience on motivational orientation and conflict strategies in intergenerational conflict. International Journal of Psychology, 54(1), 108-116. doi: 10.1002/ijop.12435


  • Intergenerational relations
  • Intergroup conflict
  • Social identity
  • Conflict strategies
  • Motivational orientation


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