Effects of emergent bilingual students’ and their teacher’s talk-turns on students’ comprehension during read-aloud discussions

Tanya CHRIST, Hyonsuk CHO, Ming Ming CHIU, Iman BAKHODA, Hannah KLEBBA, Haylie BROWN

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review


This article explores the unique contributions of 2nd-grade emergent bilingual (EB) students’ talk-turns vs. those of their teacher on students’ expressions of comprehension during interactive read-aloud discussions in a pull-out classroom. They engaged in eight video-recorded, interactive read-aloud discussions across four books. This mixed methods study used emergent coding and constant comparative analysis to identify codes that reflected each talk-turn in the discussion. Then, statistical discourse analysis determined how previous talk-turns (3,419 in all) impacted subsequent talk-turns in which students expressed comprehension (i.e. providing information, a connection/comparison/contrast, inference, or opinion). Findings show that EB students more often engaged in several talk-turns that predicted students’ subsequent expressions of comprehension as compared to their teacher. Likewise, the teacher also engaged more often in certain talk-turns that predicted students’ subsequent expressions of comprehension as compared to students. Further, teachers sometimes engaged in talk-turns that reduced students’ likelihood of expressing comprehension. Thus, teachers should explicitly create space for student-initiated participation during interactive read-alouds. Copyright © 2024 Childhood Education International.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Research in Childhood Education
Early online dateJan 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - Jan 2024


Christ, T., Cho, H., Chiu, M. M., Bakhoda, I., Klebba, H., & Brown, H. (2024). Effects of emergent bilingual students’ and their teacher’s talk-turns on students’ comprehension during read-aloud discussions. Journal of Research in Childhood Education. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/02568543.2023.2301083


  • Book discussion
  • Dialogic reading
  • Emergent bilingual
  • Read-aloud
  • Talk-turns


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