Effect of humic acid and metal ions on the debromination of BDE209 by nZVM prepared from steel pickling waste liquor

Yuling CAI, Bin LIANG, Zhanqiang FANG, Yingying XIE, Cheuk Kuen Eric TSANG

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10 Citations (Scopus)


As a promising in situ remediation technology, nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) can remove polybrominated diphenyl ethers such as decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE209) effectively, However its use is limited by its high production cost. Using steel pickling waste liquor as a raw material to prepare nanoscale zero-valent metal (nZVM) can overcome this deficiency. It has been shown that humic acid and metal ions have the greatest influence on remediation. The results showed that nZVM and nZVI both can effectively remove BDE209 with little difference in their removal efficiencies, and humic acid inhibited the removal efficiency, whereas metal ions promoted it. The promoting effects followed the order Ni²⁺>Cu²⁺>Co²⁺ and the cumulative effect of the two factors was a combination of the promoting and inhibitory individual effects. The major difference between nZVM and nZVI lies in their crystal form, as nZVI was found to be amorphous while that of nZVM was crystal. However, it was found that both nZVM and nZVI removed BDE209 with similar removal efficiencies. The effects and cumulative effects of humic acid and metal ions on nZVM and nZVI were very similar in terms of the efficiency of the BDE209 removal. Copyright © 2014 Higher Education Press.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)879-887
JournalFrontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
Issue number5
Early online dateDec 2014
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2015


Cai, Y., Liang, B., Fang, Z., Xie, Y., & Tsang, E. P. (2015). Effect of humic acid and metal ions on the debromination of BDE209 by nZVM prepared from steel pickling waste liquor. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 9(5), 879-887.


  • Steel pickling waste liquor
  • Nanoscale zerovalet metal
  • Nanoscale zero-valent iron
  • Humic acid
  • Metal ion


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