Educational use of computer-mediated communication in supporting field experience programme for post-graduate teacher training course

Wai Ming YIP

Research output: Contribution to conferencePapers


The advancement of computer technologies has evoked significant impact on education. Widespread concerns have been aroused on various contemporary issues in the application of ICT in education. One major change in the philosophy of education is definitely the paradigm shift. Nowadays, learning is necessarily confined within the boundaries of space (location) and time. Telecommunication, on-line resources and Internet services provide new opportunities for teachers and students to be engaged in teaching and learning activities which is different from the traditional classroom setting. As a result, the engagement of student-teachers in the ICT-immersion environment is vital so that future teacher can develop a positive attitude and perception towards the use of ICT in the classroom. This research was based on a case study in the establishment of a computer-mediated communication (CMC) system and a virtual learning environment to support students of the post-graduate diploma course in Education. They were expected to be immersed in ICT environment and still communicate among themselves although they were physically be allocated to different schools (separate in different locations). Results reviewed that students are benefited from (1) extended motivation for personal reflection (2) experiences can be shared during the teaching practice (3) stronger peer support while constructive and "immediate" feedback can be achieved. (4) having means for emotional expression and spiritually support (5) stronger linkage and improved relationship.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2000


Yip, W.-M. (2000, September). Educational use of computer-mediated communication in supporting field experience programme for post-graduate teacher training course. Paper presented at British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2000, Cardiff University, England.