Educational affordances and learning design in music software development


Research output: Contribution to journalArticlespeer-review

11 Citations (Scopus)


Although music software has become increasingly affordable and widely adopted in today’s classrooms, concerns have been raised about a lack of consideration for users’ needs during the software development process. This paper examines intra- and inter-sectoral communication pertaining to software development and music education to shed light on the improvement of the educational affordances for music software in classroom teaching and learning. Semi-structured interviews with music software developers (n = 3) and music teachers (n = 15) are used to gain insights into how to enhance the educational affordances of music software. The findings of this study fill a gap in the literature by detailing the knowledge exchange required to effectively develop music education software. Improving the synergy between the knowledge bases of software development and music education could enhance novel educational affordances, providing music teachers with the opportunity to develop new, pedagogically sound music teaching and learning activities. Copyright © 2017 Association for Information Technology in Teacher Education.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)395-407
JournalTechnology, Pedagogy and Education
Issue number4
Early online dateJan 2017
Publication statusPublished - 2017


Cheng, L., & Leong, S. (2017). Educational affordances and learning design in music software development. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 26(4), 395-407.


  • Educational affordance
  • Software development
  • Music education
  • Music technology


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